"You shouldn't let the chance slip by. You don't wanna regret it afterward."


“You shouldn’t let the chance slip by. You don’t wanna regret it afterward.”

This Franky meme photo is the beginning of my blog.
As I was watching One Piece episode 632 in www1.watchop.com, Franky said this to Luffy, “You shouldn’t let the chance slip by. You don’t wanna regret it afterward.” in regards to getting Ace’s Mera-Mera No Mi (Flare-Flare Fruit).
The quote hit me so I was like to edit it and upload to opmemes.com but it requires to be logged in before I can post my meme. I don’t know how I posted a Zoro meme before without logging in, but now I can’t. So I signed up for an account that lead me to wordpress.com.
I was intrigued and excited for I was planning to create a blog long time ago and here it is, I finally have my very first official blog! It’s amazing, isn’t it?Hopefully I won’t be too busy to write, in order for me to share my experiences with you.Have a good day! 🙂

Franky Meme